June 6, 2024
Revised process to obtain the CPF (tax ID) for Brazil
Following the introduction of the revised process to obtain the CPF (tax ID), more involvement is required from applicants who prefer to obtain the CPF prior to travelling to Brazil. In addition to which, longer wait times to receive the CPF are now being experienced.
What has changed?
Previously, an applicant could apply for a CPF directly before the Receita Federal (Brazilian Internal Revenue Service) via a simple process of the submission of required documents. The CPF would subsequently be issued within approximately 5 working days.
Now however, if an applicant wishes to secure their CPF prior to travelling to Brazil, an application is to be made to the Brazilian Consulate with jurisdiction over the applicant’s place of residence. A request is made through the e-Consular portal with the submission of required documents. Once the Consulate has reviewed the online submission, the applicant is then required to present the original documents to the Consulate, either in person or via post depending on the Consulate, and arrange an appointment to obtain printed confirmation of the CPF once issued. The process is usually concluded within two-three weeks.
The alternative process of obtaining the CPF within Brazil remains unaffected.
Who is affected?
Those that wish to apply for their CF prior to travelling to Brazil.
What to expect /impact?
It is anticipated that whilst the revised process is in operation, applicants applying for their CPF outside of Brazil will experience more inconvenience and a longer wait for the issuance of their CPF.
What you need to do
Foreign workers wishing to apply for their CPF outside of Brazil should apply as soon as they are eligible to, to limit the impact of the longer wait times, and to be mindful of the involvement required from them in the process.
For further information on CPF obtainment process, please contact the Sterling Lexicon immigration team at immigration@sterlinglexicon.com
As Head of Immigration with Sterling Lexicon, Leanne leads a team of specialists who are responsible for ensuring the entire immigration process is smooth and stress-free for clients, assignees and their accompanying family members. She brings over fifteen years of experience in strategic immigration management, planning and consultation to her role, and has cultivated invaluable knowledge and experience in processing countless global migration applications. As a trusted partner, she consults with clients on everything from policy considerations and cost or efficiency improvements, to the impact of opening offices in new locations. Leanne is a frequent presenter and author on global immigration topics and trends, and currently serves as a member of the Worldwide ERC (WERC) Immigration Advisory Council.