December 13, 2023

Switzerland work permit quota for 2024


The Swiss Federal Council has announced they are keeping the 2024 quotas at the same level as the previous year for employees applying for work permits from outside the EU and EFTA, for service providers from within the EU and EFTA and for the special quota for employed applicants from the UK. 


What has changed?

The volume of labour migration into Switzerland from third countries is limited and is based on the need of the Swiss economy and employers. Having consulted with social partners and cantons throughout Switzerland, the Federal Council have decided to leave the quota numbers unchanged for 2024. As such, in 2024 up to 8500 qualified specialists can again be recruited from outside the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Of this figure, 4500 can be allocated to long term residence B permits and 4000 to short term L permits. 

The decision reflects the fact that in 2023 the full quota was not utilised, with 68% of the B permit and 65% of the L permit quotas being used for the employment of third-country nationals. 

Furthermore, the quotas for service providers from within the EU and EFTA and the special quota for employed people from the United Kingdom will also remain unchanged. 

The Federal Council’s decision will require an amendment to the Ordinance on Admission, Period of Stay and Employment (ASEO) and the Ordinance on the Approval Procedure for Foreign Workers (FDJP) which will be put into effect on the 1st January 2024. 

Who is affected?

The availability of quotas in Switzerland enables companies to recruit the skilled labour they require where there is a skills shortage in the domestic market. The announcement means that this can continue with quotas for employers of third-country nationals, service providers from the EU and EFTA, and employed people from the UK remaining unchanged. 

What you need to do

For further information on Swiss immigration, please contact the Sterling Lexicon immigration team at


Leanne Cottrell

Leanne Cottrell

As Head of Immigration with Sterling Lexicon, Leanne leads a team of specialists who are responsible for ensuring the entire immigration process is smooth and stress-free for clients, assignees and their accompanying family members. She brings over fifteen years of experience in strategic immigration management, planning and consultation to her role, and has cultivated invaluable knowledge and experience in processing countless global migration applications. As a trusted partner, she consults with clients on everything from policy considerations and cost or efficiency improvements, to the impact of opening offices in new locations. Leanne is a frequent presenter and author on global immigration topics and trends, and currently serves as a member of the Worldwide ERC (WERC) Immigration Advisory Council.

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